There are many times where you must get an individual health insurance policy, including if your employer doesn’t offer any health insurance options, or you start your own business in Bad Axe, Harbor Beach, Pigeon, Port Austin, Port Sanilac, Sandusky and the surrounding areas. It can be a challenge to make sure that you have health insurance, but the team from Schillinger Insurance Agency can help make sense of it all. Trying to understand what your individual health insurance policy will cover and what they won’t can be confusing, and that’s where your agent can provide invaluable assistance. Give them a call today to learn more.
What Will the Costs Be?
Getting down to the cost per month of your individual health insurance policy is an important factor when it comes to budgeting for it. Rather than just a straight forward price, there is the factor of your household income to understand when it comes to getting individual health insurance through the marketplace. There are various subsidies that may kick in depending on how much you make. But even with the subsidies, there will likely be an amount that you need to contribute every month. Your experienced professional from Schillinger Insurance Agency can help walk you through that process.
Other Factors That Influence Price
While it would be nice to say that your monthly price is X no matter what, that isn’t going to happen. Your age will definitely play a role in determining what your monthly premium will be. Likewise, where you live also affects the price that you will be paying. Whether you use tobacco products also will influence the price, as will the insurance company themselves as they each have their own approach to dealing with insuring people.
Know and Understand Important Terms
You should know what your deductible is, and what that means for you. Your deductible is the amount that you have to pay out before your insurance will start kicking in for anything. This is different from your monthly premium that you pay every month for the individual insurance policy. Coinsurance is the percentage of the medical bill that you will be responsible for once you have paid your deductible. For example, you might have coinsurance of 20% where your insurance provider will cover the other 80% of the bill. This again is different from a copay where you will be paying for part of a prescription or when you go to see your doctor. These are relatively low amounts, but do not count toward your deductible.
To learn all about the insurance you have in Bad Axe, Harbor Beach, Pigeon, Port Austin, Port Sanilac, Sandusky and the surrounding areas and to make sure that you have the right coverages for your health insurance policy, give a call to Schillinger Insurance Agency. They will help to make everything clear.